Our company is in continuous development, always working to achieve the best on each of its processes.
Company Quality

Quality Management
Our Top Management is continuously and systematically involved in the implementation, maintenance, development and improvement of the Quality Management System.
- adopt
- document
- implement
- maintain
- continuously improve
We have a Quality Management System (QMS) which allows us to guarantee the achievement of the set objectives and customer satisfaction, in compliance with the applicable reference Standards and Directives, as well as with the specific contractual requirements.
- identify the processes necessary for the QMS (product realization processes, processes connected with management responsibility, resource management processes, measurement, analysis and improvement processes);
- establish the sequence and interaction of these processes;
- determine criteria and methods to ensure the effective implementation and control of the processes themselves, including those outsourced here;
- ensure the availability of the information necessary to support the implementation and control of the processes;
- measure, monitor, analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system and processes and implement the necessary actions to achieve the planned results and continuous improvement.
Our Top Management establishes and periodically reviews the Company Quality Policy by defining suitable quality objectives, carrying out periodic Reviews of the QMS, ensuring the availability of the resources necessary for the implementation of the processes, compliance with the specified requirements, achievement of goals and objectives set and continuous improvement.
It is the quality of our organization that underpins the quality of our products.
Evaluation and Monitoring
We maintain a planned management of monitoring, measurement and analysis activities, with the aim of obtaining precise indications on the compliance status of our products and services, our processes and our system, always with the constant tendency to make improvements in terms of quality and efficiency.
The indicators used to measure quality and performance are subject to periodic evaluation in order to ensure that they are the most useful and significant with reference to the results obtained. The indicators provide for the possibility of analysis over the short, medium and long term, so that the resulting operational and strategic decisions can derive from an absolutely complete vision.
Gli indicatori prevedono la possibilità di analisi sul breve, medio e lungo termine, perché le decisioni operative e strategiche che ne conseguono possano derivare da una visione assolutamente completa.
What emerges from this monitoring activity is brought to the attention of the Top Management who, after assessing the results and comparing them with what was foreseen and planned, establishes the programs, any improvement measures to be started and sets new objectives.
Environmental Quality
MG has always had high regard and deep respect for nature and for the protection of the environment. That is proved by the actions that the company has been undertaking for several years such as the use of lead-free masters and the introduction of IML label application system. Maximum attention to product quality, to the environmental impact of activities and to safety in the workplace are three different aspects of a single founding value: the respect we owe to those who work with us and for us - whether they are Customers, Partners or Employees – and to the territory that hosts us.